concentration of platinum group metals with …
THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROFILE OF PLATINUM GROUP ,The six platinum group metals (PGMs) platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium occur together in nature alongside nickel and copper Along with gold and silver, the PGMs are precious metals and are very rare elements in the Earth’s crust The annual production of PGMs amounts to around 400 tonnes, several ordersTechnical …
Anthropogenic platinum group element (Pt, Pd, Rh ...
Background. Platinum group elements (PGE), in particular platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and rhodium (Rh), are few of the least abundant elements in the Earth’s continental crust, with estimated concentrations of 0.4–0.06 ppb (Wedepohl 1995).These metals and their compounds are highly valued by chemical, stone and pharmaceutical industries for use as catalysts in a wide range of reactions ...
Platinum-Group Element Concentrations in …
11th International Platinum Symposium June 21-24, 2010 Platinum-Group Element Concentrations in Pyrrhotite, Pentlandite, Chalcopyrite and Pyrite from the Aguablanca NiCu Ore Deposit (Southwest Spain) R. Piña1*, F. Gervilla2, S.-J. Barnes3, L. Ortega1, J. Martínez-Frías4, R. Lunar1 1
Recent Changes in Platinum Group Element …
Automobile catalyst emissions have resulted in the occurrence of elevated Pt, Pd, and Rh concentration in the urban and roadside environment. We investigate the chronology of platinum group elements (PGE) accumulation in dated sediments from an urban lake near Boston, MA. Chronological profiles demonstrate that Pt, Pd, and Rh concentrations increased following the introduction in catalysts ...
Platinum-Group Elements in Sulphide Minerals, …
1-7-2007 · The concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE), Co, Re, Au and Ag have been determined in the base-metal sulphide (BMS) of a section of the Merensky Reef. In addition we performed detailed image analysis of the platinum-group minerals (PGM).
Rhenium-osmium isotope systematics and …
1-10-2001 · We investigate the use of loess as a proxy for the concentration and isotopic composition of highly siderophile elements, specifically Os, in the upper continental crust. The 187 Os/ 188 Os, platinum group element, and Re concentrations of 16 loess samples from China, Europe, and South America, previously analyzed for major, trace element, and Sr and Nd isotope composition, reveal subtle ...
A New Way to Find Platinum Group Metals - US
The average grade of platinum-group elements (PGEs) in ores mined for their PGE concentrations range from 5 to 15 ppm. In most rocks, platinum-group minerals range in size from less than a micron to a few hundred microns in diameter, so the presence of PGEs must be confirmed by laboratory analysis.
(PDF) Sources of Platinum Group Elements in the …
Platinum group elements (PGE, i.e. Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os) are among the least abundant elements in the Earth’s continental crust. PGE concentrations in urban and roadside environments are ...
Rhenium‐osmium isotope systematics and …
Platinum group element concentrations in loess from China (top), Argentina (middle), and Europe (bottom), normalized to primitive mantle [McDonough and Sun , 1995]. The estimates of Wedepohl and Schmidt et al. [1997a, 1997b] are shown for comparison as …
Concentrations of Platinum Group Elements in 122 …
ABSTRACT. Analysis of more than 13,000 coal samples by semi-quantitative optical emission spectroscopy (OES) indicates that concentrations of the platinum group elements (iridium, palladium, platinum, osmium, rhodium, and ruthenium) are less than 1 ppm in the ash, the limit of detection for this method of analysis.
Determination of low concentrations of platinum …
Accurate and precise determination of platinum group elements (PGEs) at ppb concentrations in geological samples is important but problematic. This stone reports an improved analytical method for the determination of Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir and Rh at sub-ppb levels by isotope dilution-inductively coupled plasma mass
Platinum Ores | Article about Platinum Ores by The …
Platinum Ores natural mineral formations containing platinum group metals (platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, and ruthenium) in economic concentrations. Significant accumulations of platinum ores in the form of deposits are encountered very rarely. Deposits of platinum ores are either primary or placer and are composed of platinum or complex ...
Platinum-Group Element - an overview | …
Platinum-group elements occur mainly in or near sulphide minerals in an ore deposit. They are typically dissolved in pentlandite [(Ni,Fe) 9 S 8], or present as distinct mineral grains, for example, as braggite [(Pt,Pd)S].The minerals containing platinum-group elements are often attached to or occluded by grains of pentlandite, pyrrhotite [Fe 8 S 9] and chalcopyrite [CuFeS 2].
Increase of platinum group element concentrations …
15-12-2007 · Increase of platinum group element concentrations in soils and airborne dust in an urban area in Germany. Wichmann H(1), Anquandah GA, Schmidt C, Zachmann D, Bahadir MA. Author information: (1)Institute of Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis, Technical University of Braunschweig, Hagenring 30, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany. [email protected]
Concentrations and origins of platinum group …
This is evidenced by the following: high concentrations of platinum group elements in some Late Permian coals from the western Guizhou (Dai et al., 2003); B, F, Cl, Br, Hg, As, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sr ...
4. Platinum-Group-Element Concentrations in …
PLATINUM-GROUP-ELEMENT CONCENTRATIONS IN MAFIC AND ULTRAMAFIC LITHOLOGIES DRILLED FROM HESS DEEP1 H.M. Prichard,2 H. Puchelt,3 J.-D. Eckhardt,3 and P.C. Fisher2 ABSTRACT This stone reports the first concentrations of platinum-group minerals (PGM) and platinum-group elements ...
Platinum-group element concentrations in pyrite …
24-2-2016 · The Main Sulfide Zone (MSZ) of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe hosts the world’s second largest resource of platinum-group elements (PGE) after the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. The sulfide assemblage of the MSZ comprises pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and minor pyrite. Recently, several studies have observed in a number of Ni-Cu-PGE ore deposits that pyrite may host …
Concentration and Distribution of Platinum Group …
The concentrations and distribution of platinum group elements (Pt, Pd, Rh) in airborne particulate matter were studied in a period of one year from August 2001 to July 2002 in urban and in nonurban areas. Airborne dust samples were collected as a total amount (particles with an aerodynamic diameter <22 μm) and classified using an eight-stage Andersen impactor (<10 μm) at three locations ...
Increase of platinum group element concentrations …
15-12-2007 · Increase of platinum group element concentrations in soils and airborne dust in an urban area in Germany Author links open overlay panel Hubertus Wichmann a George A.K. Anquandah a Christiane Schmidt a Dieter Zachmann b Muefit A. Bahadir a